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Hi-Rel Die Products

Hi-Rel Die Products Image

Our standard product range covers a wide temperature range and spans functions from simple diodes to complex digital ICs.

Obsolete Die Recreation

Obsolete Die Recreation Image

Matching of die size, wire-bond configuration and like-for-like electrical performance delivers a qualified replacement die solution.

Discrete & IC Design

Discrete & IC Design Image

Suitable for low-to-medium volume or hi-rel applications. We combine technical requirement with project economics for a viable die solution.

Featured Products

Schottky Diode


The SiS100SA5V is a Schottky barrier diode with 100V minimum breakdown and current capability of 0.5A. With a very small footprint, the diode suits use in both rectifier and general purpose applications that can leverage Schottky characteristics.



The TPD5030 monolithic dual ESD protection diode configures to protect either one bidirectional line or two unidirectional lines with fast response time and lower operating voltage.

News & Articles

Continued Support for obsolete Fairchild Zener Bare Die

Continued Support for obsolete Fairchild Zener Bare Die

A range of former Fairchild branded Zener Bare Die Products were made obsolete due to commercial & o...

SOI Full-Bridge FET Gate Driver

SOI Full-Bridge FET Gate Driver

SOI FET Gate Driver for Full-Bridge / H-Bridge & Motor Control applications enhances performance + r...

Why Choose Silicon Supplies?

Product Knowledge

Product and application orientated

With forty years of understanding global hybrid + MCM support needs, we support engineers and supply chain for both leading edge + trailing edge applications.

Tech Support

Process engineering capability

Our comprehensive suite of die processing equipment integrates quality, reliability and flexibility.

Any Quantity

Lower MOQs, Faster lead-times, Ease of availability

Uniquely focused on the specialism of die form products, our business is centered around ease of access, ease of use and stability of supply.